Some 50 years ago… the first painted glass mural in the Montréal métro
On December 20, 1967, a glass mural entitled Histoire de la musique à Montréal, a work of art by illustrator Frédéric Back, was unveiled in Place-des-Arts station.
On December 20, 1967, a glass mural entitled Histoire de la musique à Montréal, a work of art by illustrator Frédéric Back, was unveiled in Place-des-Arts station.
Good news : for a second year, the Montréal métro will be open all-night long on New Year's Eve.
Virtual visit of the workshop where the Boutique STM's products are conceived.
The public event Place au transport, developed by AMT and STM and organized by Morin Relations publiques, distinguished itself at the most recent edition of the Gala des Prix d'excellence de la SQPRP.
A new recruitment campaign by the STM will allow the public to discover the company's new employer brand.
L’engagement de la STM pour assurer la diversité de sa main-d’œuvre a de nouveau été reconnu, alors que l’entreprise a récemment été finaliste pour l’obtention d’un prestigieux prix Maurice-Pollack.
Les inoubliables paroles et arrangement de Félix Leclerc rythmeront les pas des clients du métro de métro aujourd'hui, puisque dans le cadre du lancement du film sur Félix Leclerc Pieds nus dans l'aube, les musiciens Étoiles du métro lui rendront hommage en reprenant ses plus grands succès aujourd'hui.
Since this morning, two AZUR métro trains are in service on the Green line. Clients will be able to board the trains at different times of the day, depending on the operational needs.
The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) is beginning work on the construction of the second accessible entrance to the Vendôme métro station.
Des représentants d’organisations de transport à Montréal se sont rencontrés récemment afin d’entamer le travail visant à développer un réel programme de mobilité intégrée.
To mark Semaines de la mobilité, or mobility week, STM will hold a special activity will be held in 10 métro stations during morning and afternoon rush hour on September 28, 2017, to highlight the health benefits of public transportation use.
The Montréal métro is known around the world for the architectural quality of its stations and its collection of artworks. And you? How well do you know your métro?
With OPUS à l’année, you no longer need to wait in line or have to renew your transit fares at the start of each month. An annual fare subscription not only lets you save time, it also lets you save money!
Deployment of the iBUS project is ongoing and, just recently, in-house tests got underway on a beta version of the customer information site for bus schedules in real time on STM’s website.
Société de transport de Montréal (STM) today announced improvements of service on Line 178 – Pointe-Nord / Île-des-Sœurs, effective August 28.
STM announces today announced the commissioning of a single new terminus for Line 170 – Keller and an extension of its route, effective this August 28.
Service on bus line 55 - Boulevard Saint-Laurent will be improved starting Monday August 28 with a route extension to Boulevard Henri-Bourassa ane the métro station of the same name.
Today, STM is opening up a new architectural zone for exhibitions on the subject of public transportation.
Starting today till August 27, kids can ride the bus and métro for free if they are travelling with an adult with a valid transit fare.
Several service improvements will be deployed for the métro network effective June 19.
The quality of the work performed by the STM to ensure reclamation of the MR-63 métro cars, and its conclusive results, motivated the jury of the Novae Citizen Enterprise Awards to present it with an award in the “Residual Materials Management” category.
On June 19, the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) will open its first « Espace client », or customer area, and test it over the next few months at Jean-Talon station, with a view to improving the transit experience for its customers.
The STM’s first Employment Opportunity Employment Plan celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Recognized as a pioneer in 1987, the STM has maintained its efforts, and the actions in this field have multiplied.
Not every day do we have the opportunity to see STM buses being transformed into authentic works of urban art thanks to the work of muralists and graffiti artists, all performing legally! Yet another good reason to visit the site of the MURAL Festival, with STM as a proud partner, taking place June 8 – 18, 2017 along boulevard Saint-Laurent.
With a view to keeping its assets in good condition, the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) has awarded a contract worth $151,767,000 for the reconstruction of its Crémazie building, located at the corner of Crémazie and Saint-Laurent boulevards. Magil Construction Corporation is in charge of the work.
Till July 2, using hashtag #marathonSTM, simply post on Twitter or Instagram a selfie of yourself – or of your feet! – next to our visuals on the floor or on the walls promoting public and active transportation to enter for your chance to win some great prizes!
The STM is proud to be at the heart of Montréal’s 375th and will offer free public transit throughout the day on May 17, the anniversary date of the founding of Montréal.
Building on the success of pilot projects conducted on the 121, 139 and 439 bus lines, Société de transport de Montréal will allow passengers to board buses via all doors, starting next June 19 and under certain conditions, on 13 bus lines using articulated buses. This approach is consistent with ongoing efforts to improve the customer experience by speeding up boarding and ensuring better distribution of passengers inside.
Dans le cadre du projet de réfection du poste de district Lionel-Groulx, la Société de transport de Montréal (STM) entreprendra une démarche de consultation publique en vue de procéder au changement de zonage requis.
À la suite de la diffusion, sur les médias sociaux, de courtes vidéos montrant une rame de métro circuler sur la ligne verte avec les portes ouvertes, la STM poursuit son investigation interne et, à ce jour, aucune hypothèse ne peut être écartée.
With Défi sportif AlterGo activities getting underway today, STM is proud to once again be the official transporter for the event, one it has supported since 1993.
It’s Earth Day on April 22 and a perfect opportunity to remind everyone that riding the bus and métro means choosing a transportation mode that is efficient and reliable, and above all sustainable, from start to finish.
Today, Tennis Canada and STM are announcing the renewal of their Rogers Cup partnership. This year, STM will provide free transportation to ticket holders of all types (paper and electronic format).
The STM ranks amongst the best Canadian corporations for its exemplary responsible practices, according to a standing established by the specialized magazine Corporate Knights.
Société de transport de Montréal (STM) announces it has created the 428 – Express Parcs-industriels-de-l’Est bus line, while enhancing service on the 449 – Express Rivière-des-Prairies, set to take effect this fall. The initiative aims to improve the customer experience along with the offer of bus service in the Rivière-des-Prairies and Anjou industrial park sectors.
Since February 2017, new hybrid buses delivered to the STM now come equipped with four double-USB ports, enabling our clients to charge their mobile devices whilst on the bus.
La STM et les Alouettes de Montréal sont très heureux d’annoncer une entente de trois ans pour la navette gratuite du centre-ville vers le stade mémorial Percival-Molson lors des matches à domicile des Alouettes.
Active and retired STM employees raised almost $670,000 in donations this year to benefit non-profit organizations sponsored by STM.
In light of the schedule changes taking effect next March 27 for many bus lines, Société de transport de Montréal (STM) wanted to demystify how the offer of bus service is planned.
While the most recent assessment of paratransit service, performed last November, revealed an excellent level of overall satisfaction among customers, it also brought to light a few aspects of service that STM could further improve, some of which it has already undertaken to do.
Société de transport de Montréal (STM) is pleased to announce that two elevators at Place-d’Armes métro station on the Orange line are now operational, thereby improving the transit experience for customers, especially for those with functional limitations.
While the number of buses that are stuck is decreasing, delays remain network-wide.
Les programmes d’abonnement tarifaire de la STM ont récemment atteint le cap du 50 000e abonné. De plus en plus de gens adoptent OPUS à l’année ou OPUS & Cie pour se simplifier la vie et pour économiser.
Through its business subsidiary, Transgesco s.e.c., Société de transport de Montréal, in collaboration with Société d’habitation et de développement de Montréal and Coopérative d´habitation Le-Havre-Frontenac, wishes to undertake its first mixed use, real estate project in the Frontenac sector.
Between 2017 and 2020, the STM will continue in this direction with $4.5 billion in investments. During the past year, the STM stepped up the pace, realizing $550 million in investments, a new high.
With the métro exceptionally open all-night long for regular fare holders, free shuttle routes and the Étoiles du métro musicians performing at various locations, the STM will certainly help you enjoy your Nuit blanche!
Société de transport de Montréal is launching its first three passenger information terminals in test mode under the iBUS project. The terminals provide real-time information on the status of the bus system with the aim of improving the passenger experience and regularizing bus service.
Efforts put forward by Société de transport de Montréal (STM), in collaboration with Mobilité Montréal, to increase service in the sector surrounding the Turcot, Bonaventure and Champlain construction sites and to improve the customer experience are showing results.
Everyone can now obtain a variety of items associated with the STM, thanks to the one and only official Boutique STM’s online launch
Following two weeks of close monitoring, the Société de transport de Montréal is updating its findings into the January 14 métro incident and the actions it has taken so far.
As part of the project calling for the construction of a second entrance building for Vendôme métro station, Société de transport de Montréal (STM) will initiate public consultations prior to the adoption of a by-law authorizing the project.
Following the breakdown in métro service that occurred on Saturday, January 14 on a stretch of the Orange line, Société de transport de Montréal (STM) is releasing its findings of the incident.
As a follow-up to the breakdown in métro service that occurred on Saturday, January 14 on a portion of the Orange line, Société de transport de Montréal is releasing a second progress report on its investigation into the problem found with the negative collector shoes on MR-73 and AZUR trains.
During a press conference held this morning, the STM provided an update regarding the service disruption on the Orange line on January 14, 2017.
The three elevators at Rosemont station on the métro’s Orange line have been in operation since the end of December.