Paratransit 4-month, All Modes A


Unlimited travel for four consecutive months via paratransit, on the bus, métro, train and REM trains in Zone A.

Fare validity

This transit fare is valid from the first day of the first month to the last day of the fourth month.

For reduced fares only

Reduced fare (6 -17): $233.00 1
Reduced fare students (18 and over): $233.00 1
Reduced fare (65 and over): $233.00 1

  1. If you are eligible for a reduced fare, the words “tarif réduit” will appear on your OPUS paratransit ID card. If you are 6 to 15 years old or 65 and over, you are automatically eligible for reduced fares as indicated on your OPUS paratransit ID card.
    If you are a student of 16 years old and over and would like to pay the students reduced fare, you must obtain a photo ID OPUS card from the STM photo studio, when our photographers tour your school, online or by mail.Conditions for granting the reduced fare to 16-years old and over students
    A transit user 16 years old and over who does not have a photo ID OPUS card identified as  "tarif réduit" must pay the regular fare.

Purchasing fares

Available on


Proof of eligibility for paratransit

You must show your OPUS paratransit ID card to the driver when boarding.

Proof of payment

When you show your OPUS card to the driver, mention that you have a 4-month pass. The driver will note this on his or her trip sheet. This will be your proof of payment.

At any time, STM inspectors can proceed with fare control by asking your proof of payment during your transportation aboard our vehicles. Without this proof, fines of up to $500 (excluding fees) may be imposed.

  1. Only customers eligible for reduced fares can purchage a 4-month pass. If you are eligible for a reduced fare, the words “tarif réduit” will appear on your OPUS paratransit ID card.
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