Press release

Société de transport de Montréal (STM) today announced the commissioning of Line 428 – Express Parcs-industriels-de-l’Est and the improvement of service on Line 449 – Express Rivière-des-Prairies, effective this August 28.

Société de transport de Montréal (STM) today announced the commissioning of Line 428 – Express Parcs-industriels-de-l’Est and the improvement of service on Line 449 – Express Rivière-des-Prairies, effective this August 28.

This new line, called 428 – Express Parcs-industriels-de-l’Est, will take over the route of Line 449 – Express Rivière-des-Prairies between the industrial parks on both sides of Boulevard Henri-Bourassa and the Radisson métro station. It will operate during peak periods, eastbound in the morning rush hour and westbound in the afternoon rush hour.

Line 449 now will offer the same route in each direction all day long, between the residential sector of Rivière-des-Prairies, particularly along Boulevards Armand-Bombardier and Perras, and the Radisson métro station. In addition, its terminus will now be located at all times at the Gare Rivière-des-Prairies train station. Finally, the service will also be offered in both directions at all times.

This initiative, which will affect the Rivière-des-Prairies sector and the industrial park in Anjou, seeks to improve the customer experience and the service offering in these sectors. Representing an increase of approximately 3,000 hours of service per year, this addition improves the service between the Green line of the métro, the Anjou industrial park, the residential sector of Rivière-des-Prairies and the Gare Rivière-des-Prairies train station.

Also remember that since July 11, service on the two collective taxi lines in this borough has been improved. Nine new stops have been added, a morning run at 9:17 a.m. has been added, and the service is now offered between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., every thirty minutes, in both directions, to allow transfers to and from the bus lines at the terminus at the Gare Rivière-des-Prairies train station. As usual, customers must reserve their place.


Isabelle A. Tremblay
Société de transport de Montréal
514 350-0800, extension 84940

Rappelons également que depuis le 11 juillet dernier, le service de deux lignes de taxi collectif dans cet arrondissement a été bonifié. En effet, neuf nouveaux arrêts ont été ajoutés, une course en matinée à a été ajoutée, soit à 9 h 17, et le service est maintenant offert entre 9 h 30 et 16 h 30, aux trente minutes, dans les deux directions, pour permettre de correspondre avec les lignes de bus au terminus de la gare Rivière-des-Prairies. Les clients doivent comme à l’habitude réserver leur place.


Isabelle A. Tremblay
Société de transport de Montréal
514 350-0800, poste 84940