Entering and exiting the métro made easier for passengers :
A new pilot project by Société de transport de Montréal (STM) will bring floor markings to station platforms
Montréal, November 21, 2008 – The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) will go ahead with a pilot project, whereby floor markings will be tested in two stations.
Indeed, beginning today and until December 18, 2008, three types of floor markings will be used in Berri-UQAM station (in Angrignon direction on the Green line and in Côte-Vertu direction on the Orange line), as well as in Lionel-Groulx station (in Honoré-Beaugrand direction on the Green line).
At each of these locations, visual markings will be placed by the edge of the platform to clearly indicate where passengers should wait for the train, in order to avoid obstructing doors, and yield the way to exiting passengers before boarding themselves.
At the same time, the STM will conduct a study to assess the initiative. Transit users will therefore be invited to answer a short questionnaire, already available on line on the STM website at www.stm.info.
Along with these tests, data will be collected to validate certain operational parameters, such as dwell times at each stop prior to and during the project. The behaviour of transit users will also be observed.
If the pilot project and studies carried out simultaneously are conclusive, the chosen type of floor markings will be installed in the stations where the highest volume of “platform-to-train” movement is recorded.
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