The STM recognized by the AAPI


On April 17, the STM was given the Association sur l’accès et la protection de l’information (AAPI) Mérite award for its work in protecting customers’ privacy and personal information during the OPUS card rollout. The award was presented in Québec at the AAPI’s 21st annual conference.

The Mérite award recognizes current and former AAPI members whose efforts and achievements are in line with the Association’s objectives, which focus on workplace training, privacy awareness and document access management.

This award should give our customers the peace of mind that we are serious about protecting their privacy.

From left to right: Carl Desrosiers, CEO; Carol Brunet, corporate manager, Business plan & management information; Mtre. Sylvain Joly, director, Legal affairs; Mtre. Sylvie Tremblay, corporate secretary and executive director, Legal affairs