Grand Prix du Canada : STM takes you to the starting line, F1 drivers take you to the finish
Montréal, June 08, 2010 – As part of the Formula 1 Grand Prix du Canada held next June 11, 12 and 13 on Ile Notre-Dame, the STM will beef up its métro service. Indeed, on the Yellow line, trains will run every 4 to 5 minutes, from the first departure in the morning until 7 p.m., while the number of trains on the Green and Orange lines will be adjusted to demand. Also, because the Grand Prix generates a surge in metro ridership, accessing the metro with a bicycle will be forbidden throughout the underground system until 7 p.m. on those three days.
“With some 400 000 rides taken during the three-day racing event, this is the busiest weekend of the year for the métro. And because access to the site is more difficult, we applaud Formula 1 fans for choosing public transit to get there, and hope they will rely upon our services on other occasions,” declared the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Michel Labrecque.
Bus service around the islands will be slightly modified. Thus, There will be no service on the 167 – Les Îles, heading to La Ronde, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. either Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Instead, transit users should take the 169 – Île-Ronde bus from Papineau métro station. The 167 – Les Îles, heading to the Casino, will follow its regular timetable between 8:30 am and 6 pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, although service on Sunday will be cancelled during the race, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. As for the 168 – Cité-du-Havre, regular service will be provided on Friday and Saturday, and buses will not stop at Cité du Havre from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.
As large numbers of rides are expected to be taken on the métro’s Yellow line during the Grand Prix , we recommend that clients purchase their return fare in advance to avoid waiting in line.
The Grand Prix will showcase the environmental contribution of transit users in an original way
People using public transit to attend the Grand Prix will get to see the value of their contribution to our Society in Motion, in two rather unique ways. First, STM representatives will greet them on site holding a balloon the size of a cubic metre featuring the message Un déplacement = ce volume de CO2 en moins. And, secondly, visitors will be hard pressed to miss the huge balloon floating above Jean-Drapeau métro station. With a volume of 125 cubic metres, the gigantic balloon illustrates the volume of CO2 emissions avoided each day by 90 STM clients using public transit for a return trip.
Lastly, having the Grand Prix du Canada return to Montréal after a year-long absence will take on a special meaning for the 25 Formula 1 Grand Prix du Canada 2010 contest winners, who will enjoy the race with a guest for free from the STM stand.
When planning their transportation for this weekend’s events, transit users should call A-U-T-O-B-U-S (514 288-6287) for timetables at their bus stop. For other information, including travel directions, call STM-INFO (514 786-4636). Timetables updated to daily events are now available from the STM website ( ) up to seven days in advance, as well as more useful transit information.
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