Montréal, March 9, 1997 - The STCUM wishes to inform its customers that as of March 10, it will increase service on lines 1 and 2 of the

Press release

Service Increased on Métro Lines 1 and 2

Montréal, March 9, 1997 - The STCUM wishes to inform its customers that as of March 10, it will increase service on lines 1 and 2 of the métro during rush hour. This measure will reduce the crowding on board the trains thus making the ride more comfortable for commuters.

More specifically, the STCUM's goal is to reduce the load rate by 10% during these periods, i.e. to go from 80% to 70%. This improvement in customer service, made possible by a readjustment of the offer of service, will not bring about any additional costs.
