Modifications to the 131 – De l'Assomption 


Modifications to the 131 De l'Assomption 

Montreal, 15 June 2006 - Beginning Monday, June 19, 2006, the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) will extend the 131 – De l'Assomption bus route to provide transit service to the residential neighbourhood east of Lacordaire Boulevard.

Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 3:30 pm, buses will travel further north along Lacordaire Boulevard to the route’s new terminus located at the corner of Antonio-Dagenais and Lespinay jStreets.

Transit users can refer to the June Planibus for timetable information, as well as details of the newly extended 131 bus route.

For more information, passengers can always call STM-INFO (786-4636) or consult the STM website at for more transit-related information.

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