New public taxi service in Lachine borough


New public taxi service in Lachine borough

Montreal, 18 May 2005- Beginning May 25, 2005, the STM will introduce a new public taxi service in the Borough of Lachine. Provided during morning and afternoon rush hour, this service will offset the closing of the pedestrian overpass that linked the sectors to the north and south of Highway 20 around 14th Avenue.

Since the overpass was closed in summer 2004, public transit users who had made a habit of walking across the highway suddenly had to allow 10 to 15 times more time for their commute. The introduction of a public taxi service will give them direct service to both sides of Highway 20, in a sector that is currently difficult to access, while reducing their actual travel time.

Service will be provided by the Taxi Lachine company during morning and afternoon rush hour, from 6:30 to 9 a.m. and from 3:30 to 6 p.m. Three new stops will be added on the south side, the first at the intersection of Highway 20 and 14th Avenue, the second at the corner of Provost and 24th Avenue, and the third at the corner of Provost and 10th Avenue. On the north side, stops will be added at each end of Claire Crescent, at the corner of Norman Street. No set route has been established; taxis will run according to client reservations. Indeed, transit users will have to reserve their transportation at least an hour in advance by calling (514) 637-4444. Fares will be the same as for the bus and métro, and users must present their valid STM fare when boarding.

Parc industriel Lachine/Gare Dorval public taxi

Moreover, the operating mode of the Parc industriel Lachine/Gare Dorval public taxi service will be slightly modified. Starting May 25, during morning rush hour, users will also have to reserve their transportation by calling (514)637-4444 at least one hour ahead of time. Afternoon service will remain the same, with taxis running according to a set timetable.

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