Montreal, 27 June 2003 ; The Société de transport de Montréal wishes to remind its customers that fares will increase on July 1st.


Reminder to stm transit users
Fares to increase on July 1st, 2003

Montreal, 27 June 2003 – The Société de transport de Montréal wishes to remind its customers that fares will increase on July 1st.

The regular monthly CAM pass will go from $ 52 to $ 54, while the reduced fare monthly pass will sell for $ 27 instead of $ 26. As for the weekly CAM hebdo, it will go from $ 15 to $ 16, while the reduced fare weekly pass will go up to $ 8 from $ 7.50. A strip of 6 full-fare tickets will cost $ 10 (an extra 50 ¢), whereas a strip of reduced fare tickets will go up by 25 ¢ and cost $ 5. Finally, a single cash fare will cost $ 2.50 instead of  $ 2.25, but the reduced fare for a single trip will remain steady at $ 1.25.

Transit users may obtain a refund for their unused out-of-date tickets at the Customer Service Centre located on the mezzanine level of Berri-UQAM métro station.

The STM would also like to remind commuters that the tax credits proposed by the previous government was not included in the current government’s budget. As a result, there is no need for transit users to keep their monthly passes for next year’s income tax.
