The next time you take the orange line, keep your eyes open!


Montréal, June 17, 2011   As part of the celebrations marking the 150th anniversary of public transit in Montréal, the STM’s museum métro got rolling on the Orange line on March 20, 2011. Since yesterday morning, three additional métro cars have been added to the first three cars already dressed up to celebrate the past. The result: a one-of-a-kind piece of history on rubber-tired wheels.

Using mostly B&W archival photos, the first part of the exhibition describes how the city’s transportation modes have evolved over the years. For this second segment, contemporary colour photos are being used to showcase the STM’s current dynamism. Métro riders who happen upon the museum métro will discover the wide variety of modes of transportation and road set-ups that have become part of the landscape in the past few years, including regular and articulated buses, paratransit minibuses and reserved bus lanes.

As was the case for the métro cars dedicated to the past, the 32 advertising spaces in the latest three cars to be dressed up will be devoted to informative posters that will help riders to get to know the STM a little better, while having a few chuckles along the way.

You haven’t caught the museum métro yet? No problem! While you’re waiting for Lady Luck to come your way, check us out on Facebook or YouTube in the coming week for a behind-the-scenes look at how the métro cars were all dressed up for the celebrations! And if you’re one of the lucky people who have already seen the rolling exhibition, why not share your impressions with us on Facebook?

As a reminder, the photo exhibition entitled Hommage aux travailleurs d’hier à aujourd’hui, which pays tribute to Montréal transit workers past and present, is taking place on the Passerelle des arts walkway at Place-des-Arts métro station. The exhibition’s second segment, ongoing until mid-July, showcases the trades of the bus system and explains how they have evolved over the years.

For visitors looking for more detailed information on some of the photos, a smartphone is just the ticket: a data matrix code—or QR code—has been placed next to a few of the photos—just scan it with your phone’s camera to download the audio guide. The entire exhibition and the section containing additional photos are also available on the mobile site

And last but not least, to help keep history alive and make it easier to follow, the 36 photos from the exhibition’s first segment, which dealt with tramway workers from 1870 to 1960, have now been posted at

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