Parc du Mont-Royal

Mount Royal Park

You could spend hours in this beautiful park. Climb the stairs to get a view of the city from above, hike the wooded trails and forget you’re in the city, or kick back and relax on the grassy slopes around Beaver Lake.

The mountain is Sooo Montréal.

It’s worth the trip!

Stairs and trails might lead you to the top, but so do our buses!

From plateau to peak.

The 711 Parc-du-Mont-Royal / Oratoire

Board the bus beside Snowdon métro station on the Blue line, in the colourful Côte-des-Neiges neighbourhood. People hailing from all around the world have moved here over the years, and the neighbourhood’s diversity is reflected in the many shops selling a variety of irresistible products.

Photo de l'Oratoire Saint-Joseph: Crédit photo Tourisme Montréal, André Charron.© André Charron

Chemin Queen Mary leads to a very popular tourist destination: Saint-Joseph’s Oratory. This large, grand church, set back from the road on the slope of the mountain, has a rich history. Explore the oratory and its surroundings to enjoy scenic views of the north side of the Island of Montréal. If you get back on the bus and continue east, you’ll go up the mountain via Chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges and Chemin Remembrance, which will take you to the mountain’s summit and large urban park. You can spend many hours hiking through Mount Royal Park. With Beaver Lake, the Mount Royal Chalet, wooded trails and more, there’s so much to discover.

Lac des castors: credit Tourisme Montréal, Rosalie Pépin© Tourisme Montréal, Rosalie Pépin

After leaving Mount Royal Park, the 711 descends along the mountain’s eastern slope via Chemin Camilien-Houde. A few stops later, you’ll be on Saint-Joseph Boulevard, one of the Plateau Mont-Royal’s main thoroughfares. With its tree-lined streets, little parks, cafés, and places to relax and enjoy your surroundings, this densely populated neighbourhood is another area worth exploring on foot. The bus will make a stop at Laurier métro station on the Orange line before reaching its terminus stop a little farther at Mont-Royal métro station on the Orange line, on Mont-Royal Avenue. With its shops, restaurants and business of all sorts, this street has something for everyone. The 11 Parc-de-Mont-Royal / Ridgewood is the other bus that can get you up the mountain. In service seven days a week, 365 days a year, it takes a shorter route than the 711 but still passes through Mount Royal Park. Its western terminus stop is on picturesque Ridgewood Street. On the eastern side of the mountain, it goes down the ever-lively Mont-Royal Avenue, stopping at Mont-Royal station. Ending near La Fontaine Park, the route links two of Montréal’s large parks. Sit back and relax for an outing right through the city!

How to get there?

  Pick-up and drop-of places 1

  • Maison Smith
  • Lac-aux-castors

Trip planning tools to get there easily

The "Your trip" tool in the Getting around section will show you which bus lines or métro stations to use to reach your destination.

Just enter your departure point and destination addresses to get directions!

Find out when the next buses are scheduled to arrive at your stop. If you don't know which buses serve your neighbourhood, enter your address in the Maps tool of the Getting around section.

To learn more: 5 ways to view bus schedules

Avoid line-ups during snowstorms by purchasing your fare in advance.

Your options

  • You can go to one of many authorized retailers to purchase the fare you want.
  • You can pay cash with the exact change aboard the bus. See the current fare schedule.
  • You can go to the nearest métro station and purchase your fare from either:
    • The fare booth attendant
    • One of the automated fare vending machines

Get more information.

Transit fare cards are not sold on the bus.

Only ride public transit occasionally? These fare cards could suit your needs.




Unlimited Evening

Unlimited Weekend

View all fare products here.

The fares you buy are loaded on different fare media. Click on each one to see how to use it.



Keep your fare card with you

Hold on to your fare card until the end of your trip, because once it is validated, it serves as your proof of payment. Otherwise, you could be fined a minimum of $150 plus fees.

If you have limited mobility or use a wheelchair, please read the section about network accessibility.

  1. Pick-up and drop-off locations may be temporarily blocked by construction work or detours. Our Transport adapté customer service agents will let you know when you book your reservation if this is the case.
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