Sustainable Development Plan 2030

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The state of climate change today makes the green shift more urgent than ever. The STM has a key role to play in that transition, both by delivering sustainable mobility and by setting sustainable development objectives.

Our fourth sustainable development plan is built on a strong foundation that will allow us to go even further.


Our commitment to sustainable development is sincere and steadfast across our organization. That’s why sustainability is one of the three driving forces of our 2030 Strategic Organizational Plan. Our ambition is to ensure that all our actions and decisions are made with consideration for their impact on human life, the planet, and economic sustainability.


We know we can count on our staff and partners to help us carry out this ambitious plan and strengthen our position as a leader in sustainable development.

Read our Sustainable Development Plan 2030 - pdf version

Accessible Word (.doc) version

(in French only)

Our eight priorities

Priority 1

Aim for carbon neutrality and contribute to air quality and the fight against climate change.

Priority 2

Design sustainable infrastructure and adapt to climate change.

Priority 3

Maintain our position as a responsible employer.

Priority 4

Prevent and reduce air, water and soil contamination.

Priority 5

Reduce resource consumption and waste production.

Priority 6

Strengthen our sustainable procurement approach and increase the STM’s environmental, social and economic contribution.

Priority 7

Adopt best practices in social acceptability and contribute to local community well-being.

Priority 8

Consolidate our sustainable development governance and culture.Earlier versions


Earlier versions

Sustainable Development Plan 2025

Sustainable Development Plan 2020

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