Berri-UQAM (Raoul Hunter)

Raoul Hunter

Monument à Mère Émilie Gamelin (2000)

Public art collection of the City of Montréal
Location: Rue Sainte-Catherine entrance

Mother Émilie Gamelin, foundress of the Sisters of Providence, is shown in full action, feeding and caring for the hungry and forgotten. This statue, an homage to her contribution to the city’s social fabric, was unveiled on the 200th anniversary of her birth.

Did you know?

The shelter run by the Sisters of Providence stood on this site (now Esplanade Émilie-Gamelin) before the construction of the métro in the 1960s.

About the artist

Born in Saint-Cyrille-de-Lessart in 1926, Raoul Hunter was an editorial cartoonist for the Québec City newspaper Le Soleil for 33 years, producing more than 10,000 caricatures. Since retiring in 1989, he has devoted himself to his first love, sculpture.

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Berri-UQAM (Raoul Hunter)   Berri-UQAM (Raoul Hunter)   Berri-UQAM (Raoul Hunter)   Berri-UQAM (Raoul Hunter)

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