The STM replaces bicycle stands around métro stations



The STM replaces bicycle stands
around métro stations

Montréal, September 18, 2009
– As part of the bicycle stand replacement programme, the Chairman of the STM Board of Directors, Michel Labrecque, announced the addition of 300 new parking spots for bicycles around eight métro stations.

Each new bicycle stand can hold seven bicycles in the same space that used to only hold two with the older type stand, which will more than triple the number of available spaces. The initiative will allow the STM to standardize its bicycle stands by replacing them with the new high-density model, and will bring the total number of spaces to 2200 by the end of the year.

The STM will complete the installation of bicycle stands in a few métro stations along the 2 – Orange and 1 – Green lines, namely Mont-Royal, Vendôme, Du Collège, Cadillac, Préfontaine, Saint-Laurent, Charlevoix and Angrignon.

“This programme, started in 2004, is a component of Ville de Montréal’s transportation plan aimed at combining bicycle use and public transit use,” declared Mr. Labrecque. “The STM is also planning to add some 700 more spaces in 2010, in collaboration with the various boroughs involved, which will bring the total number of bicycle parking spaces to nearly 3000.”

“The STM’s Society in Motion is taking shape,” observed Vélo Québec president, Suzanne Lareau. “The STM is firmly committed to the transportation cocktail, and I am very pleased by this initiative, as it will make it even easier for bicycles to complement bus and métro travel.”

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