The STM now has elevators on the 2 – Orange line at Lionel-Groulx and Berri-UQAM stations



The STM now has elevators on the 2 – Orange line at Lionel-Groulx and Berri-UQAM stations

Montréal, September 14, 200
9 – The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) is announcing that Lionel-Groulx and Berri-UQAM métro stations are now equipped with elevators to reach the lower platform levels. As such, the STM is providing better access to all clients travelling along the Orange line, particularly those with functional limitations. The installation of elevators in these two stations, in addition to Cartier, De La Concorde and Montmorency stations, now brings the number of accessible stations on the Orange line up to five. Henri-Bourassa, Bonaventure and Côte-Vertu stations will also be equipped with elevators by early 2011.

Assistance service for wheelchair users
Wheelchair users can request assistance from an STM escort, or aide, to enter and exit métro railcars, because of the gap between the platform and railcar threshold. Clients must go to the ticket counter level and tell the fare controller they wish to be escorted to the train. The aide will then be responsible for the client for the duration of the métro trip. They will take the elevator together and board the métro’s lead car thanks to an access ramp extended by the aide.

It is also possible for wheelchair users to travel on their own. For security reasons, it is highly recommended that they board the lead car, so train operators can clearly see them. The STM further suggests that disabled users back their wheelchair up against the wall, apply the brakes on their chair and avoid manoeuvring while the train is underway.

Guidebook available
Clients can obtain a guidebook about this service from the STM website, from fare controllers in accessible stations, at the Customer Service Centre at Berri-UQAM station, and by calling STM-INFO.

Because the Saint-Denis street entrance will not be open until spring 2010, transit users can access the station from:
- Grande Bibliothèque, located at 475 De Maisonneuve East, seven days a week, from 10 a.m. to midnight;
- UQAM, located at 1400 Berri (corner Berri and Sainte-Catherine), from7:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, and from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Only the 2 – Orange line is accessible, and the STM invites all clients in a wheelchair to pay attention while travelling, particularly at Lionel-Groulx station.

A few numbers
- In all, there are 17 elevators in five accessible stations on the 2 – Orange line: Lionel-Groulx, Berri-UQAM, Cartier, De la Concorde and Montmorency
- Ridership at Lionel-Groulx: 3.9 million rides in 2008
- Ridership at Berri-UQAM: 12.8 million rides in 2008

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