Vehicle location - Frequently asked questions

You can view your vehicle’s location on SIRTA. If you’ve never used it before, go to the SIRTA website and follow the instructions to activate your account. If you already have a SIRTA account, you can go directly to the home page and click on the “Track your vehicle” button. You can also receive your vehicle’s location via arrival notifications (text or email), or at this website.

Yes. Your screen reader will read out the street that your vehicle is on, as well as the nearest intersection. It will also read out other information, such as the trip status and estimated arrival times (pick-up and drop-off). This information will only be read out when it changes.

Don’t worry! This does not necessarily mean that your vehicle is running late. It just means that the arrival times displayed are estimated instead of being based on a recent vehicle location. This may happen for a number of reasons:

  • The STM having technical difficulties, making real-time information unavailable
  • The vehicle driving underground or through a tunnel, making it difficult to get a GPS signal
  • Other similar reasons.

No. If your vehicle arrives early, the driver is required to wait until the start of your pick-up window. When the driver is ready for you to board, the message “Vehicle has arrived” will show up on the map.

The driver may be waiting for your pick-up window to start before arriving at your location.

Yes. The driver may be assisting other customers at a stop. Or, any number of driving conditions, such as road work, may have caused the vehicle to be stopped for some time or the driver to be delayed.

Don’t worry. The driver uses a GPS navigator and will be able to find you. However, if you find that drivers repeatedly have trouble finding you, please call Transport adapté at 514-280-8211 (option 2) and let us know. We can then update your address location and additional information.

Your driver may have accidentally pushed the arrival button. If the vehicle is still moving, wait until it gets closer to your pick-up location. If your location is a public place, make sure that you are at the correct pick-up door.

The message “Vehicle has arrived” only appears when the driver is ready to pick you up and pushes the arrival button. It is possible that the driver forgot to push the button and will still come and meet you. Regardless of vehicle status, please always be ready to go at the start of your pick-up window.

Your trip may be reassigned to a different vehicle mid-route, for example, to prevent delays. If this happens, the icon indicating vehicle type (minibus or taxi) will be updated to notify you when the change happens.

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