Québec to invest $330 M in an underground garage at Côte-Vertu station


The Government of Québec will invest 330 million dollars in the construction project for an underground garage for trains at Côte-Vertu station.

Montréal, August 25, 2017 – The Government of Québec will invest 330 million dollars in the construction project for an underground garage for trains at Côte-Vertu station. The garage will make it possible to replace first-generation métro cars and meet increased transit ridership along with other requirements, including the Blue line’s future extension. Société de transport de Montréal (STM) will contribute the remaining funds, for an overall investment of nearly 440 million dollars.

The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy, Minister of Public Security, responsible for the Montréal Region, Martin Coiteux, made the announcement earlier today on behalf of the Minister of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Transportation Electrification Laurent Lessard, with Mayor of Montréal Denis Coderre, Saint-Laurent Borough Mayor Alan DeSousa and STM Board Chairman Philippe Schnobb in attendance.

Once construction of the garage is finished, STM will be in a position to more efficiently meet its needs with regards to accommodating and maintaining its rolling stock. Moreover, the facility’s location will help STM improve metro system operations by being able to add more trains during rush hour periods, especially on the Orange line. Not only is that metro line the most heavily-used, but the next 20 years will also see it experience one of the strongest increases in demand.


« By providing 330 million dollars in funding for the Côte-Vertu garage, the government s showing its interest in public transportation and its long-term vision for the future. Indeed, the investment announced today ensures adequate space for the maintenance needs of a sufficient number of metro cars to meet today’s needs and those in future, by factoring in the higher frequency and regularity of service, as well as the Blue line’s eventual extension. »

Mr. Laurent Lessard, Minister of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Transportation Electrification

« Construction of this garage will enable STM to provide Montrealers with better service, thanks in part to shorter intervals between métro trains during rush hour. In the end, support by the Government of Québec will help to improve the quality of life for transit users, unclog major roadways, lessen greenhouse gas emissions and promote the densification of our urban communities. » 

Mr. Martin Coiteux, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy, Minister of Public Security, responsible for the Montréal Region

 « For the city, this means a major investment that will help to support a modern, productive and efficient offer of service, for the benefit of transit users. Kicking off this project is therefore in line with a series of recently announced investments, including the Réseau électrique métropolitain (REM) commuter line and STM’s new bus garage in the city’s Bellechasse area. These major projects serve to confirm the city’s leadership role in terms of innovation, as well as electric, sustainable mobility. »

Mr. Denis Coderre, Mayor of Montréal

« Saint-Laurent’s borough council welcomes this announcement, as it proves consistent with its own orientations involving the managing the public’s mobility needs, reducing greenhouse gases and sustainability issues in general. As public transportation provides a modern solution to a modern problem found in most large cities, investments in that area of activity are proven sound in the long term. We also take pleasure in knowing that by choosing Saint-Laurent as the site for building this new underground garage for the STM, it also confirms the borough’s strategic location at the centre of our greater metropolitan area. »

Mr. Alan DeSousa, Mayor of Saint-Laurent Borough

« This significant investment by the Government of Québec will also enable us to raise our offer of service by 25% on the Orange line, support the expected growth in ridership in coming years, and ensure that the offer of service keeps pace with the Blue line extension. As such, this is a clear commitment to developing public transportation and improving the customer experience in the Montréal area. »

Mr. Philippe Schnobb, Chairman of STM Board of Directors


  • The new Côte-Vertu garage can house ten additional trains.
  • The 2-minute and 30-second interval between trains during rush hour on the Orange line could be reduced to 2 minutes.
  • Construction work above ground will mainly take place on the empty lot bordering
    boulevard Thimens, between rue Grenet and boulevard Marcel-Laurin and be staggered over a period of 4 years.  
  • The work will also require that Côte-Vertu station be temporarily closed in summer 2018 for eleven weeks. Bus shuttles will transport passengers to Du Collège station, where the STM is moving forward with the permanent installation of elevators, so that transit users may continue to enjoy universal access to the métro system.

Related link:

For more information about the project: http://www.stm.info/fr/a-propos/grands-projets/construction-du-garage-cote-vertu


Sources :

Mathieu Gaudreault

Attaché de presse

Cabinet du ministre des Transports,

de la Mobilité durable

et de l’Électrification des transports

Tél. : 418 643-6980

Marie-Ève Pelletier

Attachée de presse

Cabinet du ministre des Affaires municipales et de l’Occupation du territoire, ministre de la Sécurité publique et ministre responsable de la région de Montréal

Tél. : 418 643-2112

Marc-André Gosselin

Attaché de presse

Cabinet du maire et du comité exécutif

Tél. : 514 290-1194

Amélie Régis

Conseillère corporative – Affaires publiques


Tél. : 514 350-0800, poste 85508

Information :

Relations avec les médias

Direction des communications

Ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l’Électrification des transports

Tél. : Québec : 418 644-4444

Montréal : 514 873-5600

Sans frais : 1 866 341-5724

Marie Eve Courchesne

Chargée de communication

Service des communications

Ville de Montréal

Tél. : 514 872-7302