Montreal, 18 February 2004 – In order to improve public transit service in the vicinity of the Palais de Justice (court house), Old


Route modification for the 129 - C�te-Sainte-Catherine

Montreal, 18 February 2004 – In order to improve public transit service in the vicinity of the Palais de Justice (court house), Old Montreal and the Quartier international de Montréal, the STM will modify the 129 – C�te-Sainte-Catherine bus route next February 23 as illustrated below.

Modification to the 129 C�te-Sainte-Catherine bus route

When planning their trip, transit users are invited to call A-U-T-O-B-U-S 
(288-6287) to obtain schedule information for their bus stop, or STM-INFO
(786-4636) for all other information. Additional transit information can be found on the STM’s website at

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